
Finally !! Blogger Add The Static Pages To Blogger Default Features.

How To Add It.
This feature isn’t available in our usual blogger accounts so you have to log in to your blogger from draft.blogger.com And not in usual blogger.com
Where you can find it.
Once you login to your account in blogger draft, please click Edit posts you’ll find a new link added called Edit Pages Please see the following image.
blogger static pages
How To Create A New Page.
click on Edit Pages link and then click New Page and you’ll see a page looks like posts pages exactly.
Give it it’s title and in the content area type your page content, and then click Publish Page , If this is the first time that you use this feature blogger will ask you about How would you like the Pages Gadget to appear?
You have got three options there,
  • Blog sidebar
  • The pages gadget will be added to your blog sidebar.
  • Blog tabs
  • The pages gadget will be added to your blog header or below header.
  • No gadget
  • Manually by add a code to your template. ( Not recommended for beginners )
blogger static pages
Once you check your favorite choice, please click Save And Publish
Customization And Demo.
I’m planning to make a tutorial about how to customize this new feature and i’ll add it soon.
The only option now is to move it from your sidebar to header or Vice versa.
To see a demo for this feature on a blog that use blogger default template please click here.

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