
WiFi Hacking App For Android

If you are a HACKER and using your smartphone as a portable and instant hacking device , than you are on the best place because i have found  Real WiFi Hacking app for android from which you can hack almost 80% of Netowrks on 100% success rate. while my older post was " TOP 15 Android Hacking Apps " which is also a great list for those who are looking for such apps for the android smart phome. 

WiFi Hacking APP For Android

  • RFA - Reaver For Android

 I Hope you have heard about WiFi Hacking using wps pin brute forcing method if not then you can click here to view my article on Hacking WiFi using Reaver ( PC ) PIN Brute forcing on 100% success rate.

Dont worry if you dont have PC or Laptop but a smartphone because this application named reaver is now available in Android smartphones too in a GUI version which you will feel easy to use.
The steps are very simple but first lett me explain how this works , There are 2 methods of accessing a AP of network which is protect, the first one is to enter the WPA/WPA2/WEP key of the router and other is by entering the 8 digit wps pin of the router rather than the password and other is a push button method which is an alternative of wps pin.
What reaver will do is it will scan the WiFi Networks in your rang and will display the routers which have WPS pin method enabled , if you found one then you are the lucky one. After this will try all the posible combination of 8 digit keys to router and in a mean while the password of the router will be available along with the wps key while peoples who have hacked the Access point also do WiFi Poisoning to keep their access for the long time which you can learn by clicking here.
To download this APP for android click here or visit this url " http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2456888 "

After Downloading you can perform the simple steps such as selecting that network in that app and clicking on the WiFi after it will start its work but wait always try the network which have good signals so it will crack faster and you will have to wait till it cracks the key for you.
And do not try this for any illegal purpose and this article is only for educational purpose while i am not responsible for any of your act dont after reading this article.

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