
How To Use Instagram On Pc [4 Best Ways]

A few weeks after the purchase of Instagram by Facebook on this first return, but especially for how to operate its services directly on your computer.
There are a few times, we learned that Facebook had bought Instagram for the "modest" sum of $ 1 billion .
The application Instagram has over 40 million users (10 million since its acquisition).

Instagram, what is this?

Instagram is an application available on iOS and Android. It allows you to take pictures and to directly apply filters to make aesthetic and artistic. With these filters, you can give all sorts of aspects to your photos without having extensive knowledge in software photo editing!
With your account, people who follow you can enjoy your masterpieces and you can share your turn with your network through synchronizing your Facebook & Twitter, or email.
A great success, but the only big downside Instagram is that the application does not offer web version. 

So How To Use Instagram On Pc ?

There are 4 best ways to use Instagram in pc!

1. Ink 361

The site Ink361 appears on a black and gray background, you simply enter your Instagram credentials to show all your photos.
The site offers four types of displays ie Small, Media, and Full Map. Your user name and your number of photos, Followers and Following are at the top of the page.
Finally, you can share your photos directly to Twitter, Facebook and Google+!

How To Use Instagram On Pc
Very well designed website Pinstagram offers a visual "vintage" which approximates well the spirit of Instagram. Again, simply enter their Instagram credentials to connect to the site and view your photos synced before the third party service.
Photos are arranged in the form of polaroids with the information directly below each picture (when taking the photo, number of comments and "likes").
On the top bar, there is the search for other users, a button to access his favorite photos, the most popular, the home page ...
No possible share on Google+, but available on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
Small detail showing the quality of the service, the content is dynamic, photos change places depending on the size of your window.

3. Webbygram

Webbygram is yet available on the web interface for Instagram. To log in, use your Instagram credentials.
Once on the main page, the site features a brown background and a black banner. The record is still a little disappointing, a picture alone is an important focus for and very large, making the long and tedious navigation.
How To Use Instagram On Pc
Instadashapp us a highly similar home-page to Pinterest: pure, white background and images are pinned directly to your home page.
How To Use Instagram On Pc
Last Words: Today we share 4 ways to use Instagram in pc. Please tell us in the comments which you prefer, and if you know of other way to use Instagram in Pc!

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