
12 Killer Ways To Drive Unlimited Traffic To Your Blog

Everyone who owns a blog or internet website for any reason whatsoever, by simple entertainment, eager to share their knowledge and skills, just in order to earn money, to promote a brand or business, etc, you want this is popular and as more visitors you have, the more you will feel accomplished and your objective will be fulfilled.
Of good intentions are worthless if the rules necessary for a blog or website successful and popular, to no avail that the content thereof is quality if not done because it is not met.
If you first start in the world of the internet publication, you have projects have a personal blog or a website, read the following measures that are a compilation dictated by experience. If you already have your site up and running, also read them, surely some will serve you.
12 Killer Ways To Drive Unlimited Traffic To Your Blog

Measures to increase the popularity and traffic of a blog or web page

1)Most importantly, the content of the page

It is the first and most important factor, of course the goal of any site is to communicate and transmit a message, so your content is essential.
Content that is unique and quality, there is a very true statement that says:
Be unique, be original, be helpful, be urgent and be ultra-specific
The content should be easy to understand, without big words, if possible use popular terms, with your own personal style. None of translations of texts in other languages, and copies of other articles, in both cases will be easy to detect by search engines charge of assessing your publication.
Use text wherever possible rather complemented with images or other multimedia files, peo text is essential.
A related and that influences a lot, factor is the frequency with which it is published, which determines the freshness of a blog or website. 

Tips to publishing content on the Internet

Three golden rules for what you publish in your blog or page 
? Write what people want, not on what you want to publish. 
? Your article must meet a need. 
? Your post should go beyond what is expected. Do not settle for writing an article again, try to do it better than others.

By posting any post or page, you must always keep in mind the following:
The user:
� No time,
� No computer knows,
� He has no patience,
� Not known technology,
� Do not know web design,
� Do not know English,
� Not to try everything,
� You do not want anything complicated.

2)Do SEO of blog post

Optimizing a website with a view to the search engines is a task known as SEO. SEO means "search engine optimization" (Search Engine Optimization).
Search engines are the main source of Internet traffic, generally any website between 60% and up over 90% of the traffic you receive, is sent for them.
When we mentioned search engines Google we're talking about 90%, the rest is shared among Bing, Yahoo and others.

Meet the technical details of the website

  •  Take care that there are no broken links on your site, check them regularly, for it uses the W3C tool available at: validator and link checker . 
  • You only need to enter your URL at the end reviews the report and repair the mark. 
  •  In blogs Wordpres and Blogger is not necessary, but if you have your own site is very important to properly validate the HTML code of the pages whenever any change is made, so that the service uses W3C: HTML Validator 
  •  No less important is validate CSS: CSS Validator 
  • �Validates the RSS feed: RSS Validator

3)Use of news feeds or RSS feeds

Used wisely and exploits the benefits of the sources of news or RSS feeds.
Very popular and practical system that can ensure a safe amount of visitors, as it enables interested readers updated on the site content each time you post something new or any changes made in the content.
There is a large and growing number of users who use RSS readers on your local computer, which only access the sites that are notified that there is new content.
While each program access these file the RSS feed on your site, counts as one visit, so logically, if you have 100 subscribers to your newsletter readers are potential hits every time you publish something new.
There are sites and blogs that over 60% of visits come from feeds generated by publishing content.
All blogs, either WordPress or Blogger automatically generates a feed file rss readers can automatically find just by entering the address of the blog, but websites need to landlords believe it, either manually or through programs available network .

4)Use the possibilities offered by social networks

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter and others are currently most visited sites on the Internet, communication and sharing of links and suggestions on those sites is enormous. They offer multiple possibilities for the distribution of information and we can use them to generate traffic.
If you do not have a Twitter account get one free here: Create an account on Twitter , it will be of benefit, it is possible that the user name matches that of your blog or site.
If you do not already have an account on Facebook you get one free here: Create an account on Facebook .
You can use and benefit from them to increase traffic to your site in several ways. 
Use this Facebook Auto Group Poster(Wefblee) to share your link in multiple groups in one click.
Check this post to learn how to use Facebook Auto Group Poster

5)Comment on other blogs related to your blog topic

If you have the time you post comments on other blogs and issues of yours, sharing sites and forums that allow leave a link to your site or blog, if your comment is interesting and brings something useful, you'll probably get views. 

6)Participate in Yahoo Answers

Answers questions on Yahoo! Answers answers.yahoo.com related to your topic and insert links to your site to complement the answers. 

7)Publish your post in article directories

If you have knowledge of a topic that may be of interest to readers and ease of writing, publishing articles in article directories, is what is known as article marketing.
It is one of the most efficient ways to create attention to your site or blog and even to obtain valuable links as article directories usually are well valued by search engines. 

8)Create and publish PDF files for sharing and downloading

You can easily convert your own content articles in the popular PDF format and upload it to sites to share and give the possibility to download it. The links included in the file created will generate visits your site. To create PDF files, you must have installed programs like OpenOffice or Microsoft Office. You can upload them to the following sites: Scribd: http://scribd.com/ Docstoc: http://docstoc.com/ AuthorStream: http://www.authorstream.com/ Calameo: http://www.calameo.com/
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9)Create and publish presentations to share and download

You can easily convert your own articles Popular content using PowerPoint presentations and uploading them to sites to share and give the possibility to download them. The links that accompany the presentation created generate visits to your site.
You can upload them to sites like:
SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/
AuthorStream: http://www.authorstream.com/
Scribd: http://scribd.com/ 

10)Create and publish videos on YouTube to share and download

The PowerPoint presentations can easily convert them to video if you have the latest version of Office. The video you can upload it to YouTube . The links in your page of this site, if the video posted is interesting, sent many visits to your site. 

11)Create a survey or voting on your site

Create a survey or vote on anything controversial. Sites like http://polldaddy.com/ given the opportunity to register and generate a script that when inserted into your blog or page will create a widget where you can vote on different options and even access to surveys of the votes achieved by each option.
For example, "What is the best web browser?" Then different boxes where you can choose one and vote. 

12)Add images in your articles

It includes images related to the theme on each page and blog you post. They add value. Make images of your site to appear in search results of Google Images. A very effective way to increase the number of visitors to a site, which can provide the results of searches done on Google Images. A site that has images on your pages that can be useful, is able to receive an extra percentage of visitors (up to 30% or more) thanks to them, is an additional method of promoting content. 
This requires that the folder containing the images will not be blocked by the robots.txt file, the images possess the necessary description in the ALT tags and include the images in the sitemap file on your site.

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