
convert facebook id to page

Facebook id to  Fan page

Trick to convert / migrate your existing Facebook id to Fan page.If you want to use your Facebook id as a fan page then start your tour to migrate from Facebook id to Facebook page.

Many people want fan page for Facebook and to get likes on fan page is a difficult task.We brought you a trick to make Facebook account and your friends and followers will automatically like that page.

Trick : First make Fake Female Id because you get lot of friend requests and you have to do nothing.When your friends reach 1000+ then migrate your Facebook id to fan page.The method is given below.Just follow the simple steps and enjoy.

Note : Change your name accordingly before migrating to fan page.There is a limitation that you can only convert your page to the name of your Facebook id.(As my Facebook id name is hackingtryx so i can only create a page named hackingtryx) .
If you want to create single name then Click Here

First of all go to this URL :  Click Here

Now choose a suitable option.In our case we are going to make a page for our blog/website.You can choose any option.

Provide description about your product.

Set interest level according to your business.

Now we have created a page.As you can see that it has already 700+ likes because i had 700 friends.This trick can help you if you want lot of likes on your  fan page without doing any thing.

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