
Danger! Selling Digital Items Over Paypal Is Not Safe

Danger! Selling Digital Items Over Paypal Is Not Safe

Paypal is a great way to sell Online all your digital products without sharing your personal information.
But my question is from you that,  Are you sure ?, your digital items are safe from hackers .
The developers are working hard to bring the technology to a high level and  the technology is now growing and growing. But be aware, Only developers are not busy but also the hackers are busy to crack all these tech. projects.

Paypal claims that they gives proper security. They are correct. But its not correct for those users who are selling digital items with Paypal digital delivery functions.

But this is not same for all users. Only those webmaster, who has SSl certificate ( Secure Connection ), are safe. But those, who has not, are not safe. 

The Digital items (Like Ebook) are mostly sold by a large numbers of blogger. And 99 percent bloggers does not use SSL certificate. 

If you have some variety of questions then you can watch the below video. Why You not safe. How with the help of a JavaScript code, Anyone can hack your digital items.

javascript:top.location=document.getElementsByName('return')[0].value; javascript:void(0);


Note : This tutorial is made only for educational purpose and not to harm anyone .

Tips :

1. If, You wanna sell your digital items, then use the secure seller website such as 
' Ejunkii '.

2. If, your buyer paid the price of your digital items, then send him email along with a attachment of your files.

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