
Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs

Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

When we going to work like a professional then Form becomes an essential tool to manage our works. Form make it easy to communicate with a large number of peoples in a very short time. If, we talk about Google Form, then  I have no words about this functions. It can manage a large number of request at a very short time. Demo Google Contact Form.

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How it works?

When you create a Form with Google docs then you will get a Url of the form where your client can respond you. This form is to be connected with your Google spreadsheet (you can find it in you google drive account) where you can manage your clients data or information.

1. You can collect as much as information from your clients, employees and if you are blogger or webmasters then from your visitors.

The above demo picture contains only 3 necessary boxes viz; Name Box, Email Box, Message Box and a Captcha confirmation to prevent Spams . Otherwise, if you want to add others box such as, phone numbers, parents name etc. then you can add so.

2. Notification Rules :The use of this function is to notify you, when someone respond to your form. It only works when your form connected with Google Spreadsheets (later discuss).

3. Prevent Multiple submission from the same Person.


Create A Form: - Creating a Google Form requires too much time to discuss, so we only go through a basic form.

1. Click here to get a Copy of my  Basic Form. and then click on 'Use this Template'. See below Picture
Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

2. You will see something like below picture. Then From the option menu, Click on 'View Live Form' and then a new window will appear, then copy the URL address from the Browser address bar (It will be your Form URL address),
Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

3. Now, again Come back to the Form Option Menu and the select 'Responses' > 'Change Respond Destination'.  And then tick on 'Always Create a New Spreadsheet'. and then click on 'Create'. See below picture,  

Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

4.  Now , You have successfully created a Basic Online Form using Google Docs.

Notes :

< a >  Read carefully step 3, where you get Url address of your Google Contact Form.

< b > To view your Responses. Go to your google drive account , and there you will find two similar objects Like below picture, then click on 'Contact Form (Responses)'. Then you will be redirected to the google spreadsheet page where you will see all responses.

Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

Tips :

1. You will always be able to edit your Google Form. Just select on the editable form, see below picture,  

Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

 2. If you want to prevent multiple submission of the same user, then edit your Google form and then select 'Only allow one response per person'. see below picture
Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

3. If, You want to get Notification, when someone respond to your Contact form. Then Go to your 'Google Form Spreadsheet'. And then From the option Menu  select 'Tools '>' Notification Rules'. And then select 'A User Submits a Form'. And the click on 'Save'.
Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

4. If you want to download all your client responses , then in your 'Google Spreadsheets' Select 'File' >  'Download As' > 'Comma Separated Values'. See below picture,
Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger

5. If You want to embed your Google contact form to you blogger or website. Then 'Edit your Google Form' and then click on 'File' > ' Embed'. And the copy the Html code and paste at your Html section of your blog posts or website. see below picture,
Guide To Create A Contact Form Using Google Docs
Contact Form Using Google Docs For Blogger
6. If you want to design your Google spreadsheets then you can do so. If you are familiar with your Microsoft excel, then it should not be hard for you.

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