


Hello everyone !.. my Name is Umair and I am a Freelancer so today.. i am going to share a tip to you for receiving Calls from US to your Created new US local Virtual Mobile number so the question is how to get free US Number to Receive local call outside US..

I am introducing SIP Technology.. its little bit difficult to Newbie that how to set a US Phone Number From Outside US and instantly receive calls. Just Follow 3 Easy steps to Get a Free US Phone Number Online
to Receive US Local calls outside US..

STEP 1 :  # Visit "iptel.org" create a Account By clicking on Subcribe atthe top right Corner

after clicking on Subscribe You will found a New Registration Page like
Image Bellow
Fill the Form Carefully..

Why i need to Register
with Iptel.org
Before Getting a US
Number ONLINE?
IPtel.org is a Multi
Technology network. that
Allow you to Make and
Recieve SIP calls all over
the World to American
Local Phone Number so
Before Getting a American
Phone Number We need to
Register first with Iptel.org
here is many other
Networks like iptel.org is
available but i Recommend
to All people's IPtel.org
after Completing
Registration iptel.org send
you Confirmation Email to
Your Mail box click on
Confirmation link from
your Mailbox and now you have Finished.

Note informations of IPTEL.org
will Required in Step 2 so carefully Feed Every step in Your Mind

after Completing Registration with Iptel.org you will receive This Email
with informations of your New account with IPTEL.ORG First click
confirmation link to activate you account then follow our Step 2

STEP 2 # GETTING FREE US Number from www.IPkall.com 

After browsing IPKall's Website click on Signup shows in the Centre of
then you will reach at IPkall Registration Page to Receive your first US
local Number to make and Receive calls. IPkall sign Up page Will like
image Bellow showing instruction of registration with IPKall and
Configuring Iptel.org to IPkall

so in the Upper image You are Watching IPkall.com's registration Signup page and map of instruction showing how to register so in the
IPkall number Section you can Choose area Codes of United States and in the Second box named SIP URL NOTE you Need to Fill only User name registered With IPtel.org  after username you need to Type next in Behind Box the Server name iptel.org in small words.
write your valid email in Email address section.
in the password choose any password and Set on account now just solve the captcha and click on submit
You have finally got US phone number But ...
now check your Email inbox IPkall has Send you a Unique Phone number
the final step is most Important that you need a Software to make and
Receive Calls from world wide at your software on your computer..

STEP 3 : # best software to make And Receive SIP calls from My Computer on My American phone number?

as i am Using phonerlite i Must Recommend every one to use, PHONERLITE you can download it from its official website free just find it on google. now you have downloaded the Software phoner lite this is final step to Configuration of Your New United States America's Phone number to The Software. is So Simple.. just Follow the instructions after install and launching The Software you will see a configuration popup like in image Bellow you just need to Fill one line in the Box is

Realm/Domain = SIP.iptel.org

And Click next
after click next you will see the next popup example snap bellow,

in the Second Snap of Phonerlite Software to Configuring American Phone Number for Making and Receiving Calls from Any where in the World. Write iptel.org's Username in userName Section like Example upper Snap.. in the Next Line of Authentication name write Same user name that
you have Register with iptel.org and in the password section write your password of Iptel account
then click on Next.. now you have Finished everything just Confirm information you
submit and Click on Check mark like in Example snap bellow,

Now test it To call from your Mobile to the Number That IPkall.com has
Provide us Free i am Also calling on my number that i have configured
with phonerlite to Receive and make SIP calls on American Numbers

Yeah!! finally i have tested to call on american issued number for ME
from my local cell phone from Pakistan its working Great and in screen
shot you can see incoming call. sometime peoples need American Mobile phone number to Verify some online accounts like thousand of People's Need to verify their Google voice account that is only be verify after verifying User is american Phone number Holder And many of People's are Searching for confirm paypal Mobile Number to Verify Identity from Those Countries with in paypal is Not Supported so i think my Today's Tutorial.. will be prove Best for Viewer..

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