
Windows Amazing tricks

Amazing Windows Tricks You Never Knew 

Many of us use windows operating system but do not know the tricks which are so simple but at the same time  amazing to be done.Today's post is to show you how to make windows little easier by using short keys and getting some cool views.Keep visiting LearnHacking for more tricks.

Many of you heard about windows tricks but believe me when i checked first trick i was so amazed that i have been using windows since long time but no one told me about it.But your case is different as i am here to show you these amazing windows tricks with pictures.

Just follow these steps and enjoy windows amazing tricks

Trick no 1 : Press windows button and hold it now press tab button again and again to see all open applications in a new amazing manner

Trick no 2 : Press windows button + x and a widget will open having these options

Trick no 3 : Press windows button and hold it now keep pressing T and start switching 
between different tabs but this time in a different way

Trick no 4 : Press windows + P and a new window opens in front of you

Trick no 5 : Press win + u and a screen like this comes and it starts reading the things

Trick no  6: Press win + R to open run menu 

Trick no 7 :  Press win + L to lock your windows

There are many other tricks but these were little amazing so i shared them with you but you can check other tricks by pressing win + f (to find some thing) ,window button + 1,2,3,4 etc to maximize opened programs no wise and bringing mouse cursor to the right most corner and your opened program vanishes until you move you mouse and so on.

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