GetSiteControl is one of the free premium blogger or WordPress widget that is easy to use, easy one-time installation, beautiful and customizable. And the best thing about it that it can be integrated with any website includes Shopify.
When we come to the knowledge of content marketing and in improving our presence on the web then the significant features of GetSiteControl make it easy to manage it. The best thing about it that it provides different style and provide you separate command to put your widget in a different position every time. Below is the image, you can see the different position where you can add your widgets,
The 2nd and most important facts are that theme and style. You can change the theme and style of your widget. There are the largest number of widget available like GetSiteControl i.e. Hello bar. But the premium free features of GetSiteControlput it in a different position.

Features :
1. Survey: - Survey is one of the best ways to collect the feedback of customers or blog visitors. Sometimes we launch a product on the market and publish a post on our blog but sometimes it does not satisfy the needs of our clients and readers. So at that point of time, survey becomes the one of the great ways to be friendly with readers and collects information about their needs and wants that will help us to reduce bounce rate.
On GetSiteControl, you will get advance feature includes, an easy way to collect feedback, wise country targeting, mobile responsive, custom thank you page, the collaboration of Google analytic, MailChimp integration, Real-time statistics.
2. Contact-us widget: - Contact page is the most important part of any website where the customer and readers or the peoples who want to advertise on your site will have a call to action option.
3. Promo: - You can also use promo option to tell the visitors about a particular offer via a pop-up box or any other way.
4. Subscribe: - Visitors or readers love to receive the offer via emails. So, you can collect as much as the email address from your visitors. GetSiteControl offers different style and option to show the email subscription box in front of your guests. The extra feature of this option is that you can integrate this with MailChimp, AWeber, and Constant contact.
5. Follow and Share: - Follow and share are the best to share your article with different social networking sites by which you readers are also able to follow you to keep updated with your blog posts.
6. Chat: - Chat is the best way to take feedback from your readers and visitors and readers. Its provide a call to action option that your visitors can chat with you on the spot about a particular topic. And, it supports a large number of request at the same time.
Currently, Chat feature is in beta version, is coming soon. GetSiteControl is providing free access to this function if you sign up now.
Updated 30/11/2015: The Chat feature has launched. You can now activate it directly from your dashboard.
7. Dashboard: - Dashboard admin panel let you see the last 30-day activity of your widget that will define the performance of your website. The dashboard provides an easy to use control panel where you can add and edit your widget and change the position of your widget, change the color and theme style, determine all the clicks, impression, and full statistics.
8. Affiliate: - Now the last and the top rated feature of GetSiteControl is that you not only use the excellent feature of it but also you can earn money through it. It provides 3$ for every sign up through your affiliate link. Click here to join
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