
How to Link to a Specific Portion of a Vimeo video

How to Link to a Specific Part of a Vimeo video
YouTube has just introduced the parameter of their video player by which we can easily embed a specific part of a YouTube video on our blog or website. So that we can easily focus on a particular part of the video which is necessary and skip the unnecessary part without any hassle.

So like the parameter of YouTube video, here is a generator to make the Vimeo link jump straight to the interesting part of the video.

 How to/

1. First, get a URL of a Vimeo video and paste in the first field of the below Generator.

2. Enter the time from where you want to start the video and then click on Generate.

3. If you want to watch the video then hit on the button 'watch'.

Time: :


4. If you want to embed the video on your blog or website. Then use the below embed code,

<iframe src="URL of the video" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

5. Customization: Replace the URL of the video which is highlighted in yellow color with the Generated code.

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