
How To Add A Free Nabble Forum In Blogger Blog

How To Add A Free Nabble Forum In Blogger Blog
Nabble Forum
To create a better relationship with blog visitors, forum becomes the most useful platform to discuss and exchange ideas, solve all matters regarding problems. To build a community, not only helps peoples to, but also help you to grow your blog readers.

Forum platform are mostly built on a particular server. And the functionality of nabble, not only helps you to create a free professional forum but also helps you to embed anywhere on the web or blogger. Demo

 How to /

1.Create a Static Page For Your Nablle Forum
First create a particular or static page where you would like to  embed your forum. Just create a page  i.e. forum)  by just navigate to 'Pages > New Page'. And name this page as 'Forum'. and then "publsh the page 'forum'.

2.Make this page Full of width 
Now, we have to make our forum page to full of width. Just simple, edit your forum page. On the 'HTML' section, paste the below simple css code. And then again publish the page. And then check that whether your forum page convert into full width or not.

[code] <style> #sidebar-wrapper, #midsidebar-wrapper, .gapad2, .blog-pager, .post-header-line-1, .post-footer { display:none !important;} #main-wrapper { width:131%!important;} .post { width:131%!important; } </style> [/code]

Note : - The above css code may not work on your blogger page due to designer blogger template. Then you don't need to worry . if not worked simply delete the code.
A blogger page with a minimum 600 width is enough for a forum.

3. Create a Free Forum on Nabble
Now the most important step is to create a free forum. Just go to Nabble. To fill up all the information is not too hard. Just fill all the requirements. Now 'Choose' the options menu at the top and hit on the 'embedding option'. And copy and paste the script to your notepad and keep safe. 

4. Embed On The Forum Page Blogger
Now again on your blogger, navigate to forum page and paste the script (which you kept in notepad) on the 'Html' section and the publish the page. Now, you have successfully created a forum with your blogger.

5. Set up Embeded Nabble forum
Now, We have to make some corrections to our Nabble forum for its smooth use. The user permission setting in nabble forum is default to anyone. So, we have to make a minor changes it to only registered, administrators, moderators and authors can create a new topic and reply for the message. To change this permission is too necessary to stop scams. Only can the registered user can able to create, reply, add, edit, reply for a topics.

1. Just go to your forum page. Click on 'Options' >  'Users' > 'Change Permissions'.
How To Add A Free Nabble Forum In Blogger Blog
Nabble Forum
2. Now, see the below picture. Make corrections and then Save changes.
How To Add A Free Nabble Forum In Blogger Blog
Nabble Forum
3. Now you are ready to built your own community.

Notes : 
1. To activate you account on nabble, nabble will send you an email to your registered email address. 
2. Your registered email id and password,  when you made during creating the forum, will be your id and password forever.

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